边缘,挠痒痒,并接受过享受我的烟雾的训练 - 吸烟痒痒的打手枪
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我从我的朋友那听说,我的奴隶一直在我背后抱怨,他不喜欢我的吸烟和气味。 我需要给他上一课,这样就不会再抱怨我的吸烟了,或者其他任何事情了。 用他的手臂、腿和身体绑在我的挤奶椅上-他不会去任何地方。到我和他做完,每当我在他面前点燃香烟,他都会被条件弄硬! 我让他知道不允许高潮,他对此无能为力。当我边缘他时,我把香烟烟喷在他脸上,他别无选择,只能通过他的隔离罩呼吸。 我甚至在每个边缘后挠他,因为我嘲笑他的困境。提醒他他不允许射精.. 不幸的是,奴隶在没有被允许的情况下射精,所以他的高潮完全毁了,他接受了一些非常强烈的高潮后折磨。然后留在椅子上一个小时,等待这个过程被重复。。
4 月 前
Video Transcription
I've heard from some friends that you've been talking behind my back.
They say that you're complaining about my smoking.
I intend to teach you a lesson about that.
Well, today I'm going to be teasing you and edging you and tickling you while I smoke.
And you're going to learn to love it.
自 Madame Teeze
Will loves freedom. Go elsewhere & don't preach. With a name like you have you should leave people alone. Are you entitled to preach? Life is short anyway so mind your business
Once Madame teeze has you in that chair it's gonna be for life. She owns you & your balls & you will never escape. She has you exactly where she wants you 💯 your fucked!